Surfing in Galicia – Northern Spain
Galicia is undoubtedly the place with the highest probability of waves in Mainland Europe.
The remaining, untouched by mass tourism region in the immediate vicinity of the Surf House, together with its miles of sandy beaches and coves, offers ideal conditions for surfing.Whether beginner or advanced, for each level and for almost every forecast you can find the appropriate conditions. Overcrowded lineups do not exist here! Surfin in Galicia, the surfparadise from Europe!
All beaches are about a one to 15 minute drive from each other. Some of the best spots are: Vilar, Ladeira, Corrubedo, Las Furnas and Rio Sieira. Surfing in Galicia, an unique surf holiday is guaranteed to you!
The water temperature during the summer months amounts to about 20 degrees, which usually persists until late October. For water sports such as surfing and kitesurfing we recommend a 3/2mm wetsuit during the summer months, and a 4/3mm wetsuit for the rest of the year.
Here are some photos of some of our homespots. Surfing in Galicia – Northern Spain.

Hello I‘m 24 from Austria and wanted to ask if you are looking for a volunteer for the months of September- oktober